Spa Rally Entry

Registration for the Spa Rally 2024 will be open on September 16th (12pm)


DIVISIONCategoryUntil 10/11*After 10/11
D1RC2 + RGT class1750€2050€
D1Other class1500€1800€
D1Junior (only in D1 for RC4 & RC5)1250€1550€
D1Cup (Stellantis & Clio Trophy)1250€1550€
(only on Saturday)
2WD Trophy & other class950€1250€
*provided payment is received by 10/11

Participation Shakedown RC2 + RGT - Friday 29/11 from 11am to 1pm : 250€

Participation Shakedown "other class" - Friday 29/11 from 1pm to 5.30pm : 150€

Gravel crew : 200€

  • Rally distance: +/- 200 km of special stages

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Fermer Zoomer